“I give you my heart” folded book pattern

Last one shared by Céline : “I give you my heart”.

Notice :
– the book is 26 cm high,
– it is made with 188 sheets.

Céline’s “I give you my heart” folded book pattern.

You download the pattern ?
Please leave a comment to show you thank Céline for sharing.


Measure your book sheets height, subtract the pattern heigh and divide the result by 2. Add this result to all marks. Count your book number of sheets, subtract the pattern number of sheets and divide the result by 2. The result tells you on which sheet you should start your folding.


    • You are on the right page to download the pattern ;-) (click on the purple link beside the second pic and don’t forget to take a look at the F.A.Q. at the end of the post).

  1. Came across ur patterns but as yet have not been able to see them as downloads so are they lines or measurments hopefully measurments as my eyes won’t let me use lines. Was wondering how can I get hold of multiple line patterns by using measurments as of yet can only find one where u do not have to cut book thank you for the pattern looks lovely.

    • All my patterns are with measurements. You can download the free ones on this website by clicking on the link beside the second pic. The others are available on my online shop.
      If you want to get measurements from a lines pattern, print it and measure with a ruler but your eyes won’t be happy…
      I’m not native English, please don’t abbreviate your comment ;-)

  2. Hi
    I would like to make a Christmas present for my mom. I give you my love
    Thank you very much

  3. Just a little question when you put numbers in cm how come theirs 4 numbers not three can you please help

    • For smother curves patterns are made with two decimals.
      13.67cm = 13cm + 6mm + 1/2mm (rounded to the nearest 0.05).

    • Don’t be afraid, it’s easy! You will just need patience and preciseness, I’m sure you will succeed ;-)

    • A sheet means a sheet of paper… ;-) It’s made of two pages, because you can’t fold only one page!!

  4. Hi can you explain how to convert measurements as I don’t understand 8.92, 9.67, 13.58, 11.42 and so on I new to this but measurements are really confusing

    • To make smooth curves I usually use numbers with 2 decimals, rounded to the nearlier 0.05cm.
      Céline hadn’t rounded her marks, so :
      8.92 = 8.90 = 8cm + 9mm
      9.67 = 9.65 = 9cm + 6mm + 1/2mm

  5. This looks amazing and I’m going to make it fro a friend who’s getting married Thank you

  6. Thankyou for sharing yor patterns I look forward to tring one for the first time will let you know how I got on
    thank again

  7. Hello – thank you for sharing your pattern. I am looking forward to trying the cat.

  8. Thank you for the template, I am overjoyed to be able to fold this it will make beautiful new addition for our home and this one is for me. Thank you

    • All the free patterns are available on the website.
      Click on the “Folded book” tag on the right sidebar to find them ;-)

  9. Thank you Celine for sharing . I can’t wait to try to follow your instruction. I think I will and can learn from you.

  10. I have just discovered book folding and can’t wait to try it. Your designs are beautiful. I am grateful for your generousity in sharing the instructions. Thank-you!

  11. this pattern looks lovely, I am new to this craft and have only done one fold, birdcage, so this will be a challenge, many thanks for your share.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely design. I’m so looking forward to trying out the pattern.

  13. Thank you for sharing your talent and allowing us to download your patterns they look amazing.

  14. I’m new to book folding but eager to see what I can do. Thanks so much for being willing to share your lovely pattern. If I had to start out by creating a pattern myself I’d give up before I started.

    • First practise with the shared patterns. But don’t doubt yourself, creating a pattern is much less difficult than it seems ! ;-)

  15. Thanks for sharing this pattern!

    I have a question though. I’ve folded a couples of books before but never seen marks with more than one decimal. The marks I’ve seen before looked for exempel like this – 11,3 and 14,8.
    But for this pattern it looks like this – 10,83 and 11,17.

    How do I do? Should I go for just the first decimal?
    (Hope you understand my question)

    • Calculating 2 decimals marks makes a more accurated shape.
      Céline doesn’t make the calculations on her patterns, but my method rounded off to the nearest 0,05 cm (11.3 → 11.5 and 14.8 → 15).

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