“Dog” folded book pattern

Céline 01
Great thanks to Céline who send me her “dog” folded book pattern she shares on her website.

Notice :
– sheets are 24 cm height,
– the owl is made with 203 sheets.


“Here is my dog folded book patter. Hope there will be no mistake.”

Céline’s “dog” folded book pattern.

You download the pattern ?
Please leave a comment to show you thank for sharing.


Measure your book sheets height, subtract the pattern heigh and divide the result by 2. Add this result to all marks. Count your book number of sheets, subtract the pattern number of sheets and divide the result by 2. The result tells you on which sheet you should start your folding.


  1. Amazing pattern. This will hopefully be my first. Thankyou so, so much for allowing it to be used :)

  2. Thank you so much for the dog pattern, looking forward to folding this. As a person with number dyslexia this is quite a challenge for me. Numbers just merge and don’t make sense, so this is really good therapy.

    • Folding a book is very un-stressful.
      You may need more concentration but to see the design growing is a huge satisfaction.
      Keep me informed! :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing your patterns! I know it´s a lot of work to make them. Greetings from Finland.

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