“2014” folded book pattern

Great thanks to Sonia who send me her “2014” pattern.

Notice :
– the 2014 is 5.5 cm high,
– it is made with 148 sheets.

“I send you my pattern for 2014. I agree to share it”.

Sonia “2014” folded book pattern

You upload the pattern ?
Please leave a comment to show you thank for sharing.


Measure your book sheets height, subtract the pattern heigh and divide the result by 2. Add this result to all marks. Count your book number of sheets, subtract the pattern number of sheets and divide the result by 2. The result tells you on which sheet you should start your folding.


  1. Brill site thank you so much for letting me use the pattern has I’m just starting out this helps me loads x

  2. I would like to fold 3 books for 3 special people. Maddie, Katie,& 83113.
    I do not know how many folds I need or the size of the books. If you could assist me I would truly appreciate.
    Thank you

    • I advise you :
      – to take book with at least 250 sheets and not too high (20/22 cm),
      – as you have “i” and “1” you should work with italic fonts.
      Enjoy folding ;-)

  3. I made this for my little brothers high school graduation. He loved it! He was surprised to see how well made and what a thoughtful gift it was!
    Thankyou so much for the pattern!

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