Handicraft fairs

Foires 05
As every year, I visited Créativa (regional fair) but I also went in Paris to visit l’aiguille en fête (needle celebrating).

I tried to be reasonable but I have made a few purchases.

Foires 01
Wepam modelling paste : I’m tired of cleaning my oven after cooking Fimo and using a non toxic modelling paste is much more clever.

glass rhinestones + pressure button back : to make my own models for the necklace my friend Marie offered me.

my favorite : this man paints watercolor and had the brilliant idea of making cross-stich kits. His universe is so poetic, I love !!

Foires 02
metal foils : so hard to find in France ! so I bought every colour they had and some double coated bondaweb.

iron on fabric sheets : glitter, flock and metal. I will cut them with my Cameo ! Gift for the fair : free kit of metal strass.

Foires 03
light grey merino balls : in France we say “mice grey”, I want to knit a bolero for… my Mice (nickname of my daughter).

a band of Lyon lace : pick up from a box full of small pièces.

two fat quarters of japanese fabrics : it was very hard to choose from many models.

Foires 04
As I was in Paris, I also went to “Marché Saint Pierre” (a 2500 m² fabrics store !).

synthetic leather : thin and very soft, to sew a skirt.

a piece of indian fabric : when I saw it, I said to myself : “I want it“.

Marché Saint Pierre is also an area (at the foot of the Sacré Cœur) full of other fabrics and notions stores.
It was a day I almost regretted not to be Parisian (almost ;-) ).

So I have lots of furnitures and ideas but… a health problem prevents me to do anything.
My website won’t have new post for a while, please be patient !


  1. I hope you feel better soon. My prayers are with you. Love your website, will always follow it.
    So, relax take your time and get better. Your health and your family’s health is most important.

    • I greatly appreciate your thoughts.
      I remained in good spirits. With the appropriate medical care I should be better in few months ;-)

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