Geometrical folded book

book folding
In order to make the “geometrical folded book 1” I shown you HERE, you need :

– an old book,
– a ruler,
– a pencil,
– a sheet of paper,
– a point,
– patience…

Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.1Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.2
My book sheets are 13.5 cm x 21.5 cm.
Adapt all the following measures to the size of your book.

On a sheet of paper, I draw a mark 10 cm from the right margin.

Mark each sheet at the top and the bottom.
(I made a large mark to show you, but more it’s discreet better it is).

Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.3
On another part of the sheet paper, I draw two marks : 9.5 cm and 14.5 cm (both starting from the fold).

I wedge this fold on the book : the paper becomes a ruler !

I had made the same fold on the side of the paper where I draw the 10 cm mark but I forgot to take the picture to show you….

Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.4Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.5
First sheet : mark on 9.5 cm
Second sheet : mark on 14.5 cm
Third sheet : no mark

Keep going on until the end of the book.

Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.6
With a ruler and a point (mine is a winkle pin but you can also use an empty ballpoint pen) score the fold between the upper mark (10 cm) and the side mark (9.5 cm or 14.5 cm).
Score also the fold between the lower mark (10 cm) and the side mark (9.5 cm or 14.5 cm).

One sheet out of three, you just have to score between the upper mark and the lower mark (the sheet is folded in two).

Tuto Origami Livre Geometrique 1.7book folding
Now fold all sheets !

As folded sheets take up more space you can’t close anymore the book.

The sculpture effect is emphasized with an old book with yellowed sheets.

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