“Owl and moon” folded book pattern

Céline sent me several patterns she shares on her website.

First one : the “owl and moon” folded book.

Notice :
– the book is 21 cm high,
– it is made with 187 sheets.

Céline’s “owl and moon” folded book pattern.

You upload the pattern ?
Please leave a comment to show you thank Céline for sharing.


Measure your book sheets height, subtract the pattern heigh and divide the result by 2. Add this result to all marks. Count your book number of sheets, subtract the pattern number of sheets and divide the result by 2. The result tells you on which sheet you should start your folding.


  1. I have never seen this art before I am so excited to try it. Thank you for allowing me to use your pattern

  2. I wish to thank you for your time and effort in creating your website where you share your passion and knowledge of this interesting artform.
    I look forward to practicing with some of the free patterns you have generously provided. And then perhaps creating some of my own if I find I enjoy the process of making them as much as I like looking and marvelling at the photo’s of them. If I do then I will send the pattern(s) to you. The part I look forward to is then embelishing the outer and inner covers with altered art tying in with the theme of the folding subject making it personal and relevant to the person(s) I will be gifting them to. Such as the ‘mask’ which can have covers decoupaged with images of masked ladies and building of Venice. Again, thanks.

    • Thank you
      Making with my hands is gratifying and I want to share this feeling ;-)
      But this pattern is due to Céline who friendly share!

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