Ideas notebook
Before creating, I like scribble to know where I’m going (after I often take a different direction than what I had set out…). I prefer to buy a simple spiral notebook and customize it in an ideas notebook. “Many ideas…
Done with my hands, from the bottom of my heart
Done with my hands, from the bottom of my heart
Before creating, I like scribble to know where I’m going (after I often take a different direction than what I had set out…). I prefer to buy a simple spiral notebook and customize it in an ideas notebook. “Many ideas…
– Mum, for Philoute’s 18th birthday, I want to custom a Tee-shirt. It’s a constellation but super cool, I’ll show you! – Not worth, I see what you mean. It’s in my todo list since 3 years… We have the…
An envelope book in order to keep all the little souvenirs of the year.
I had this 1m x 1m canvas since a while without knowing how to decorate it. I wanted colors and geometric. So I combined morphing and gradient .
As my family enjoyed the first set, I bought a second batch and got rid of our old glasses all scratched. Still difficult to show the designs and this time I forgot to take a picture with masking stickers
To continue his studies, our eldest left home We know it will happen, but now he is 800 km far away… I helped him to settle in his student room. When I went to the laundraumat, no change machine and…
For my niece who doubt herself once she has an exam. I wrote it in English, because it has more impact than in French.
I bought those glasses a short time after coming back from New-York with my etched cream. They were collecting dust… The best way to find cheap and simple glasses : the blue & yellow shop (IK.A). The best way to…
I wanted to change the sticker on my daughter’s computer. She loves Thoma Vuille’s M CHAT (mister cat) and I love the challenge ⇒ I have to make a 3 layers sticker…
My health is better and I can (almost) work with my two arms. It was hard on morale not being able to make handicraft… It’s spring and my barcode umbrella was demoralizing ! You hadn’t seen it yet ? I…
Birthday gift for a friend of my daughter. She loves the Cheshire cat’s smile from Alice in Wonderland.
A use for my tuto “how to sew flat curves”. I was waiting an idea to use the paint I bought in New York.
Not so far ago, I had sewed a thread catcher. But when I use my sewing machine, it’s never in the right place. With this voodoo pincushion I can take off my pins easily without loosing them (and I can…
With fabric, paper, vinyl, you can customize your Cameo Silhouette control panel. Unfortunately, the control panel shape in the library doesn’t fit well… I re-did the design and now holes are in front of the buttons and I added the…
The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot : I have already sewed thread catcher but it was christmas gift. I didn’t have mine. All is recycling : – an old jeans, – a piece of purple satin, – some sand taken…