One bird left the nest

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To continue his studies, our eldest left home :cry:
We know it will happen, but now he is 800 km far away…

I helped him to settle in his student room.
When I went to the laundraumat, no change machine and I hadn’t enough coins.
It’s often going to happen to him

So I made him a “laundry moneybox”.

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I found a ready made small square box.

I cut a slot in the top and I applied one two coats of white paint.

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It was an opportunity to try the adhesive stencil film my daughter brought back from the USA (I had “ordered” her to bring me back some transfert paper for my stickers ;-) ).

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Phew, it’s net.
A varnish layer and I provided money for two clothes wash.

When he has coins, he must think to replenish the box… :roll:

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