My first jewelry pouch was simple and unsewed.
With its 9 compartments, this pouch is ideal when travelling.
Make 3 circle templates : 30 cm, 20 cm and 7 cm diameter.
Cut your fabric :
– big circle : one in a nice fabric for the pouch outside and one in a unprint fabric,
– medium circle : 2 times in the unprint fabric.
The small circle is used later.
For this step I forgot to take a photo.
Fold your nice fabric big circle in two.
Sew a buttonhole at 4 cm from the both edges.
(on the photo you may also see the following step…).
Take your both big circles, right sides facing, and sew all around leaving a opening for turning.
Clip seam allowances all around and turn.
In order to close the opening and to have a nice rendering, I have sewed all around near the edge.
Do the same for the medium circles.
Make a first sew starting from the bottom of your first buttonhole (you should sew through the second buttonhole bottom…).
Make a second sew starting from the top of your first buttonhole (you should sew through the second buttonhole top !).
Overlap the big and medium circle and pin the small template (all must be concentric !).
Sew all the layers around the template.
Mark the 8 compartments (45 °).
Sew all the layers on these marks (not over the medium circle neither the small one).
Insert ribbons in the drawstring channel.
Making 2 buttonholes enable to easily close the pouch by pulling ribbons on the both side together.
Jewels are well ordered !