Cameo Silhouette carrying bag

housse-cameo 01housse-cameo 02
There are 2 types of protection for the Silhouette Cameo :

– the dust cover (but you can’t carry it),
– totes (as you can bring your laptop, they are too big).

After 2 weeks of several tries and prototypes, I have found the solution : the Silhouette is protected, cords are stored and you can carry it !

housse-cameo 03housse-cameo 04housse-cameo 05

Supplies :

– 8″1/2 (60 cm) quilted fabric,
– 69″ (175 cm) strapping,
– 35″ (90 cm) zip.

housse-cameo 06
Ask me for the real size printable pattern, I send it by email for free !

Warning : each pieces included a 0,8 cm (0.3″) seam allowance except the “cover” piece.

Cut and overcast every pieces.

housse-cameo 07
Draw all the seam allowance on the back “sides” pieces (4 pieces).

Put the big “side” piece on the “cover” piece, right sides facing, aligning the A.

housse-cameo 08housse-cameo 09
Use the needle stop down function if you can.

Rotate the “side” piece at each angle.

At the end, don’t sew over the seam allowance mark.

housse-cameo 10housse-cameo 11
Add the lower “side” piece (don’t sew over the seam allowance mark).
At the end, the B must be together.

Do the same for the other side.

Get the particular shape of the Silhouette !

I got so carried away by my enthusiasm that I didn’t realize I stopped taking pictures….

According to your situation :
1) You have found a nice quilted fabric :
Sew the zip.
Sew the pocket and sew it to the bag.

2) You enjoy only one side of your quilted fabric :
(for me a nice gingham on one side, but teddy bears on the other side…).
Sew the cover with the quilted fabric, using the pattern.
Sew a second cover with another fabric but modify the pattern : add 1 cm (0.4″) on each piece, except for the green marks (and except for the pocket pieces !).
Benefits : you sew the pocket only on the upper cover (you won’t see seams inside the bag) and you sew the zip in between the two covers (it will be hidden).

The zip :
Sew the zip onto the seam allowance, right sides facing.
This is why you were supposed to leave them unsew.

The pocket :
Look at the Petit Citron tuto.

housse-cameo 12
The strap :
For strength I didn’t cut the strapping : ends are sewed edge by edge under the cover.
For a good balance, you need to have as much strapping in front and rear of your Silhouette.

I sew the strap from the zip to the rear edge (see the red dotted lines).


Bag achievable, even for novice sewer!
Suitable to Silhouette 1 & 2 – take a look at the bags already made by visitors!

Pattern sent more than 620 times, 48 pics received :-(
Reward my share : send me a pic of your !!




  1. I solemnly swear to send you a photo as soon as I’ve made it in exchange for the pattern, pretty please!

  2. Hello , I really appreciate your work and stumbled upon the – Cameo Silhouette Carrying Bag, on instructables. Please, send me the real size printable pattern mentioned in your Silhouette Cameo Tote instructables. Thank you in advance for the good work.

  3. I need to make this for my sister. She uses a giant duffle bag and it is just not a good fit. Please send me the pattern.

  4. Will you please send me the pattern for the carry bag would love to make one for my cameo 1. Kind Regards

  5. Please send me the real size printable pattern mentioned in your Silhouette Cameo Tote instructable.

    • I am sorry but, as it is written in the post, the pattern fits to the oldest (silhouette 1 & 2). The 3 & 4 versions don’t have the same shape neither the same size.

    • As it’s written in the post, the bag suits to the Cameo 1 & 2.
      The Cameo 4 is wider, taller and does not have the same shape :-(

  6. Hello,
    I would love the pattern for the bag and am happy to send a picture when finished! Cool tutorial

  7. Would it be possible if you could email the pattern for the Silhouette 1&2 bag please.
    Thank you

  8. HI,
    Do you still give away the pattern? I would love too have it :-)
    Do you think, I could adapt it somehow for the cameo 3?
    Thank you :-)

  9. I would love to get the full size pattern to make my own. just ordered a new silhouette and have not even gotten it in I want to protect my investment.

  10. Hai
    Please could you send me the pattern? I promise, I will send pictures!! Thank you so much! I really need a tote for my Silhouette, and am flat broke, lol.

  11. Can you send me the pattern for the cameo3 please? Does it come with the cut outside in the pattern?

  12. Hello, I really appreciate your step by step instructions to make this bag. Would it work for the Brother Scan N Cut 2 as well? I’m trying to come up with a pattern that could be a dust cover for at home, but transitions to a tote bag for the two or three times in a year I would let it leave my scrapbooking room. lol.

  13. I would love a copy of this. I’m about to get the Cameo 3, and I think I can adapt this pattern to fit it.

      Your email provider doesn’t accept my email

  14. Still can´t understand why your pattern isn´t with the emails you sent me…
    Could you please send it again? Haven´t had any trouble with other mails with
    attached files. Wishing you a creative happy new year!

    • I too have no problem with my sending emails : data processing mysteries…
      I make another try, file by file, don’t be afraid with email number!
      I wish you too a creative new year, with a handmade cameo carrying bag ;-)

  15. I would love to have this pattern in English! My daughter just bought this machine and I would love to make this case. Thank you

  16. Hallo,
    I am so fascinated about your tutorial of the Plotter. I would like, to get the pattern.
    Thank you very much and greetings from Germany.

  17. Good morning,bonjour!
    I would love to have the pattern of this bag. It is exactly the pattern I was looking for.
    Thank you so much for sharing your pattern with us.
    Have a nice day.

  18. Thank you so much for sending me the pattern. Attached you will find pictures of the bag that I made. I have a Silhouette Cameo 3, so I had to modify the pattern.

  19. Hi
    Will you also send me your pattern for the Cameo carrying bag?
    I wonder if you also have one for the new Curio cutter?
    Best regards,

    • Pattern sent by email. Beware, it suits to the Cameo 1 & 2 (the 3 doesn’t have the same size).
      Sorry, I don’t have a Curio…

      • Got a cameo 2 so the pattern would be fine. And I can take zip-files in mail but can´t find it in yours…

  20. Bonjour! Love this bag and all the other projects you share! Est-il possible d’avoir votre patron? Have to refresh my french language… But haven´t so many frenchtalking friends here in Sweden. Merci d’avance

  21. Aloha,
    May I please have your free pattern? I am so excited to make this for my new Cricut maker!
    Thank you so much for offering this.

  22. This carrying case is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Please send me the pattern.

    Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  23. Please send me your free pattern! We must be a lot alike because I love sewing utility items with double-sided quilted fabric. Thank you so much for sharing your free pattern.

  24. I love your silhouette cameo carry bag . Would you please send me your pattern? Thank you.

  25. I would love to receive the pattern for the cameo carrying bag. It would be so great and handy! Thanks a lot already

  26. Hello, the bag looks really great! Could you send me the pattern please? Thank you very much for answer!

  27. Hi, the bag is really great and I would love to try to make one. Could you send me the pattern? Thank you so much for your effort to make the pattern and tutorial.

  28. Hello, I may I please have a copy of your pattern? My friend has the exact model in the tutorial. Thank you very much for your time and all the effort for making the pattern and the tutorial.

  29. I recently purchased my Cameo 3 (actually upgraded from the original). I would love to have your pattern if it is still available.

    • The pattern is still available, but as it’s written at the end of the post it fits for the Cameo 1 & 2 (the Cameo 3 has a very different shape…).

  30. I’d love to make a cover for my Silhouette Cameo and for my daughter’s. Please send me the pattern via email. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us all.
    Is there a way to modify your pattern to fit the Silhouette Cameo 3?

    • The first and second Cameo really do not have the same shape than the newest one. My pattern won’t fit your :-(

  31. I would love to have the pattern for your Cameo carrying case, if it is still available. Yours is the nicest design I have seen anywhere.
    Thank you,

  32. I would love to have a copy of the pattern. The carrying case looks fantastic. Thank you for creating this!

  33. Can I please get a copy of the pattern. Asked once before, but never got one. Will send you photos when I’m done sewing.

  34. I would be really grateful if you could send me the pattern for the silhouette carrying bag please .
    Thank you – Regards

  35. Please will you send me the pattern for DIY Silhouette carry bag, I am new to sewing and have a Cameo and would like to try one craft and compliment the other.
    Kind Regards

  36. Hi, i just purchased a silhouette cameo and i absolutely love this design of bag! Please could you email me a copy of the pattern please? Thanks xx

    • I’ve emailed you the pattern, but I think you bought the Silhouette 3 which doesn’t have the same shape than the 1st or the 2nd…

  37. Hi Just noticed your pattern for the carry bag fabulous.
    May I have the patten please.
    Kind Regards

  38. Hi
    Please send me a printable pattern to make the silhouette cameo carry tote with pocket. I love it!

  39. I would love to have the pattern for my silhouette Cameo 2. The bag I’m currently using isn’t working well.

  40. A lovely hello! I´m Melanie from germany and I would like to sew such a beautiful carrying bag for my cameo. Could you please send me the pattern for it? Many thanks! <3

  41. Please send me the full size instructions for the silhouette cameo 2. This bag looks so perfect. Thank you so very much

  42. Hi,thanks so much for sharing this tutorial! Would you please be so kind to send me the full size pattern? That would be great. Thanks!

  43. I would love this pattern.
    Please email me the full sized pattern.
    Thank you for all your effort you’ve put into this and are sill willing to share.

  44. Please share with me the pattern. I loved your Instructable!
    P.S. FYI, I’m taking my Silhouette Cameo from Seattle to the Caribbean with me to print custom t-shirts!

  45. This is my second request. Please email me the full-size pattern for the silhouette carrying bag,

  46. Love your pattern for the Silhouette. Would love to have the pattern, please send me a copy, thank you

  47. I saw this after making a post on the other thread so adding it here also
    May I please get a copy of the pdf pattern for this carrying case.
    Thank you .

  48. I would love a pattern for this! Just what I have been looking for. :) Can you email me a full size pattern please?

  49. This is just what I have been looking for! Please email me the full-sized pattern for the silhouette cameo. Thank you!

    • I made the Silhouette bag because it’s the plotter I have. I’m sorry but I don’t have a Cricut…

  50. I would so love to have this pattern to make my daughter in law a carrying case/dust cover.thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous pattern.

  51. I love this tote and would really appreciate a copy of your pattern to keep my cameo safe. thank you so much for sharing!!

  52. I love your bag and would like a copy of the pattern so I can attempt to adapt it to fit the Cricut Expression Air machine.

    • My email is not displayed on my website in order to avoid robot spams.
      Your comment is the request ;-)

  53. Bonjour
    Votre sac a l’air très pratique et est très beau aussi, serait-il possible d’avoir le patron ?
    Merci beaucoup, bonne soirée

  54. Hallo,
    I Mike your Cameo Silhouette BAG and i would Mike to make one for me too.
    Would you Plesse be so Kind and send me the pattern Form it.
    That would be great.
    Thank you.☺

  55. Hi, I’d love a copy of your pattern please… I want to see if I can adapt it for the Brother scan n cut.


  56. Hello
    If you would be so kind as to email me the pattern for your very well crafted Silhouette Cameo carrying bag.
    And thank you so much for sharing your efforts.

  57. Hello! This is a beautiful tote! I am very much interested in receiving the pattern. I can’t wait to make one for myself! Thank you very much for the tutorial

  58. Hello,I love your Cameo carrying bag!! I’d like to make one. I think I had to customize it for the Cameo 3, but I will try. Would you please be so kind and send me the pattern from it? That would be great!
    Thanks a lot!
    Best Wishes!

    • It seems that the Cameo 3 has a very different shape…
      Tell me if you succeed in adapting my pattern ;-)

  59. I would love to have the PDF full sized pattern for your silhouette cameo bag. Thank you so much.

  60. I used 2 zippers, I didn’t have a long one. I still may put handles on it, but I really like it this way as a complete dust cover. Thanks for the pattern.
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  61. I would love your Silhouette case pattern please. I am making one, I was thinking zipper at the top, but the more I look at your pattern, the more I like it.Thank you very much.
    (from Washington State in the USA)

  62. Hi,
    I like your Cameo Silhouette carrying bag and I would like to make one for me too.
    Would you please be so kind and send me the pattern from it.
    That would be great.

  63. Hi This silhouette bag is awesome please can I have the printable pattern so my friend can make it for me

  64. Thank you!
    I just cut out the complete pattern.
    But do I need to add a seam allowance on the big cover piece?
    And when I want to add a inside fabric, I have to cut out all the items once more, but add 1cm.
    The bigger pieces are for the outer fabric and the smaller once for the inside?

    • As said in the post “each pieces included a 0,8 cm (0.3″) seam allowance except the “cover” piece” (you have to add it).
      If you want to sew an outside cover cut again the items adding “1 cm (0.4″) on each piece, except for the green marks (and except for the pocket pieces!)“. The smaller pieces are necessarily inside ;-)

  65. This is beautiful and perfect for my needs. Are you still willing to send the pattern or do you have it available in a shop somewhere?
    Thank you for your time and creativity!

  66. Hi there! Is there someone how has made a video while making this pattern?
    I’m just a beginner, so can use every help I can get :)..
    Thanks in advance.

    • This pattern is property of FMFC and can’t be used in a video.
      Just ask me if you get stuck, I will help you ;-)

  67. Could I have please have the pattern for this bag. It looks great and very handy.
    Susan Frierson

  68. Hello,
    I really like your silhouette carrying bag. May I also get a copy of your pattern please? Thank you!

  69. Hi,
    I like your Cameo Silhouette carrying bag and I would like to make one for me too.
    Would you please be so kind and send me the pattern from it.
    That would be great.

  70. I would love a copy of your pattern! I need to take my cameo on an airplane very soon and this is perfect! Thank you for sharing, I will definitely end you a photo when I am done.

  71. Hello!
    I really love this case for the cameo. I would like to have the pattern if you would be so kind
    Best regards (Sweden)

    • I gave a look at your website, you have magic fingers! I would like to live in Sweden, to discover your technique!
      (Jag gick på din webbplats, har du magiska fingrar! Jag drömmer om att leva i Sverige, för du fick mig att upptäcka din teknik.)

  72. Wow, so amazing! Thank you for sharing!
    Can you please send me by e-mail the real size printable pattern?

    • Thanks for your pic, I love the fabric ! (take a look at a bigger pic size in the Visitor’s album).
      Try to make a new sew line closer to the zip, it will hide it and your bag will better fit the Cameo.

  73. Hi! I just got a Cameo and will travelling with it this summer. I would love to make a cover to carry it. Please send me your tutorial. Thank you so much!

  74. This is very awesome. I could not find a site to leave information to receive the free pattern for the silhouette machine. Could you please help me with this, I would like to make one and would like the pattern to make easier for me.

  75. Awesome web site.
    Im not sure if this is the right place for this request but I was hoping to see if you could email the pattern to your Silhouette Cameo carrier. I have been hunting for something to protect my cameo and finally came across yours.
    It would be very much appreciated

  76. Please, your Cameo Silhouette carrying bag ist so nice
    Can you sent me the pattern ?
    Thank you for share.
    Best wishes from germany

  77. Congratulations! Your job with the silhouette’s cover is amazing!
    Can you send me the real size printable pattern?
    Thanks to share.

  78. Ich hatte gestern meinen ersten Workshop und konnte die Cameo damit ausführen. Vielen Dank für das wundervolle Schnittmuster. Meine Tasche ist dank der super Anleitung sehr gut gelungen.
    Vielen Dank nochmal
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  79. Hello and thank you for the pattern. Here comes the picture of the finished pocket. My girlfriend was very happy.
    Best wishes

    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  80. Hello
    Thats a great Idea for a cover for my Cameo please if its possible could you send me the Pattern
    Thanks alot and ill send you a pic when its finished

  81. Hello,
    I found the Cameo Bag and would like the patterns of this.
    My girlfriend has birthday and I want to provide it as a present

  82. Hello
    the bag you made is really nice
    please send me the plan
    we can talk also in francaise but be soft the last time i used my francais is more then 30 Years ago

  83. Hi; I recently joined the Silhouette Cameo world and would love a copy of your pattern.
    Thank You,

  84. Hi there! I’d love your pattern! Could you please email it to me?
    And I promise to post a pic when I’m done with it. :)

  85. Love this! Könnten Sie das Muster zu mir schicken? Ich werde Bilder von dem fertigen Produkt zu senden.
    Vielen Dank!

  86. I would love the pattern for your Silhouette Cameo Tote! Love, love, love it! Thanks for sharing.

  87. Love this! Could you send the pattern to me? I’ll send pics of the finished product.
    Thank you!

  88. I would love a copy of your pattern. I recently bought a Silhouette Cameo because my sister is a little computer “impatient” and does not have the time, desire, or drive to learn how to use the software. I have bad luck in which when I borrow something… I break it =\. So to be on the safe side, I purchased one for myself and am quiet taken away on the now limitless ideas I want to attempt to achieve.
    Now, I have absolutely zero expertise in sewing, so I will have to pass this on to my girlfriend Kelly (who is a pro when she has time). When we finish the two bags, we will send you photos, just figured it doesn’t hurt to ask now so when the time comes for the next side project, we can make the cover instead of spending $80 for the tote bag!
    Thank you!

  89. I would very much like to have a copy of the pattern. I will send you pictures, post on my blog, and give you original pattern maker credit with a link to the tutorial.

  90. Can you please send me the pattern for this bag, it’s just what I’ve been looking for!
    Thank you!

  91. I’d be forever grateful for the email! My mother and I love doing sewing projects but suffer from being able to make anything without a real size pattern haha

  92. Hello.
    I love your little bag for the cameo.
    If you are still sending pattern details I would very much like to have it. Hoping to get it done soon so you can get a picture of it.
    In advance thank you very much.

  93. Good evening!
    Could I also have this gorgeous pattern for the cameo-bag? (It also fits the cameo 2, doesn´t it?)
    I´d loooove to sew it… (if I can manage it… :|)!
    Thaaanks a lot in advance!

    • Some people asked me the pattern for the Silhouette 2… but never gave me some news if it fits :-(
      I’ve sent the pattern many times (more than 500) but I have too few news… and I can see the bag done on other website…

  94. Hello!
    Since Christmas I’m owner of a Cameo and found your pattern for a “cameo-bag”. It looks very nice and I’m really enthusiastic! I Love the colors and it looks really praktical!
    Would you please send it to me?!
    Greetings from Germany!

  95. Oh my goodness this is exactly what I’m looking for! Would you be so kind as to send the pattern along?

  96. I love it!!!!!! I woudl like to have the pattern also, could you please shared it with me?

  97. Nice bag! Please, send me the pattern! I would love to send you a picture when its ready. So thankful for your work :)

  98. Hi,
    I love your bag :) since christmas i’m an owner of Silhouette Cameo and i would like to sew your bag for my sweety. Could you send me the pattern pleas? Best Regards

  99. Hello,
    What a great tutorial! I like to make one for my cameo. May I have your pattern?
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

  100. What a great bag, I just got a cameo and really need a way to pack it around. Pleae send me your pattern and thank you so much for sharing.

  101. First of all congratulations on such a superb design. It is really elegant whilst totally practical, it must have taken you ages to design. I would be very grateful if you could forward me a copy of the pattern. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

  102. It looks great! Can you please send me the pattern? Thank you!
    I will send you pictures as soon as I am finished…

  103. Hello, it would be great to receive the pattern. I need to transport my Cameo a lot.
    I would send pictures once the bag is completed.
    Thank you and have a nice eve,

  104. Hi! I am attending a silhouette retreat next week and would love to have this pattern!
    Thank you,

    • Please respect the property of this pattern : no commercial use and give the link of my website ;-)
      Don’t forget to send me pics!

  105. Hello,
    I am a new Cameo Owner, too.
    What is your favorite project on your Cameo?
    I found your page on a Cameo-group on Facebook. It looks so nice.
    I would be very happy if you could, the guide for this envelope also send me.
    I wish you continued great projects and work with your Cameo.
    best regards,

    • I think my favorite one was to create this bag ;-)
      I use my cameo to make decals and stencils, click on the “cameo silhouette” tag on the right sidebar and you will see all my projects.

  106. Hi
    I just purchased a Silhouette and would love to make your carrying case. Could I please have the pattern. I am making mine out of two pieces of Batik that I free motion quilted. I will send pictures when completed.
    Thank you,

  107. Hi, found your tutorial. Got a new cameo for Christmas and would like to try my hand at making this. Please send the pattern. Thanks for your generosity.

  108. May I please have the pattern to make the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Case. I love it! Thank you for posting online! Thank you!

  109. Hello,
    i love this silouette cameo carring bag.
    If you still send out this pattern, i would love to recieve it.
    Thank you for your work.
    love & respect

  110. happy new year
    whau this is a fantastic idea, please send me the pattern for the silhouette bag

  111. Hello, this bag is just what I’m looking for to protect my new Silhouette Cameo. If you are still sending out the pattern, I would love to receive it! Thank you in advance!

  112. Hello, this bag is just what I’m looking for to protect my new Silhouette Cameo. If you are still sending out the pattern, I would love to receive it! Thanks for the great tutorial!

  113. Hi there!
    Thank you for this tutorial! I would like to sew this Cameo carrying tote … It’s possible to get the pattern? Thank you in advance!
    Best regards!

  114. Hi there
    What a great tuto for a cameo bag! Can’t wait to try it myself! Do you stil send the pattern by e-mail?
    I promiss that I will send a picture when I’m done.
    Thank you!

  115. I would love to make this carrying case for my Cameo, please send me the pattern. Thank you for putting this tutorial together!

  116. Hello,
    I would like to thank you very much for the pattern and I hope, you like my version of the bag. I make it al little bit bigger, because I have the Cameo 2 and it has a little bit more depth. But it works very fine.
    Greetings uraca
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

    • Thanks a lot for your pic!
      Your bag is very nice (I love the association jean + red color).
      You can see a bigger size of your pic in the visitor’s album.
      best wishes for the festive season !

  117. Hi
    I love you tote for the Cameo and would be happy if you will send the real size printable pattern
    to me.

  118. Hi there, this looks perfect for my cameo – could you please send me the pattern I would really like to have my wife make this for our cameo

  119. TIA! This is a beautiful creation! I can’t wait to make my own. Please consider my request for the pattern.

  120. I would love a copy of the pattern. It is so perfect for me, and I love it! I would be happy to send a picture when I finish.

  121. Hello,
    I really love to have a copy of your beautiful bag-pattern. Naturally I will send you a picture of my bag when I finished it. Thank you very much.
    This bag is wonderful – my Cameo a very new, a shell I’ve already sewn.
    Vous êtes le seul dans le I-net, le cousu telle une poche et le guide propose – vraiment super.

  122. Love, love, love your carry bag. I would love to try and make on for my silhouette. Thanks you so much for sharing it.

  123. Would love to have a copy of the cameo bag pattern. I’m in love with it!! Thanks in advance!

  124. Hi, that´s a very beautiful bag, it would be very nice, if I could have a copy of the pattern. Thanks a lot.

  125. Hello, I really love to have a copy of your beautiful bag-pattern. Naturally I will send you a picture of my bag when I finished it. Thank you very much.

  126. Hello!
    So smart! I love it! Please send me the pattern! Thank you so much for sharing it!!

  127. Hey
    Would you be so kind to send me the pattern. Hope I will have time in my upcoming vacation to make it.

  128. Hello,
    I love the te cameo carrier. Could you send me the pattern? I’m looking forward to try to make one of my own. Thank you. When it’s ready i will sent you a photo :-)

  129. I would like the pattern, please!
    Also, your instructions aren’t really making any sense to me.. I’ve never put a zipper on something like this before and you don’t say anything about the cover fabric, only quilted fabric? Do you have any more detailed instructions?

    • Using quilted fabric prevents from small impacts. But you can use the fabric you want! (see the done bags on the visitor’s album).
      For the zip it depends on if you use one or twice fabric…
      Tell me more

  130. I love your Cameo Carrier! I would love to have the pattern to make for my friend and I. We travel to a Cameo Club and these would be so helpful! Thank you for your generosity!!!

  131. Can you send me the instructions/pattern for the cameo silhouette carrying bag.
    I can’t guarantee I will be successful in making it, but it looks like it is something I’d love to attempt to make and have. I’m not a confident seamstress, but I’d like to see if I can do it.
    Thank you,

    • Don’t be afraid with the pattern, it’s easier than it seems.
      Don’t hesitate to put on your cameo at each step, it will reassure you (and you could correct if you made a mistake).
      Give me some news ! ;-)

  132. I would love to have the instructions and full size pieces for the Cricut carry case. I have a Cricut Explore and hope that it will fit. Thank you!!

    • The pattern suits to a Cameo Silhouette… which hasn’t the critut explore size :-(
      However I send you the pattern you may succeed in adapt it.
      Give me some news !

  133. Hi love your camio carrier could you please send me a copy of the pattern. I promise I will send you photos. it will be in a few weeks.
    thank you

  134. What a clever idea – could you please send me the pattern as I would love to have a go at this. As far as I know you are the only one to have designed such a brilliant bag – congratulations!
    Best wishes
    ps not too clever on the laptop but will get my son to send photo (if I can do it credit!)

  135. I would love to have the Cameo silhouette carrying bag pattern. I love your website. Its Awesome Thanks

  136. Please could you send me the pattern? I promise, I will send pictures!! Thank you so much! I really need a tote for my Silhouette, and am flat broke, lol.

  137. Bonjour
    I really love your tote for the Cameo. I would be very grateful if you would send me the pattern.
    Thank you so much in advance – and thank you for sharing :-)

  138. I love your cute tote for the silhouette cameo! I would love a copy of the pattern if you are willing to share!
    Thank you!

  139. Please send me the pattern for your Cameo carrying bag. I love the design and I can’t sew so I’m asking my grandmother to sew it for me!
    Thank you!!

    • I’m making my website bilingual but I’m not multi-lingual…
      Please use English (google-translate didn’t succeed in translation).

  140. Good morning…
    Just found you’re website, I was looking for a tutorial for a cameo bag, and I saw yours and it was the most beautiful I saw. Is ther eany possibility of you sending me the tutorial please???
    kind regards

  141. Hey,
    I would like to request the pattern for the Silhouette Cameo carrier. It is the best one I have seen.
    Thank you for the pattern!

  142. I LOVE your carrying case and would love to have the pattern…I am an artquilter and traipse all around with my tools and
    supplies…and I wondered how I would be able to carry and protect the machine…YOU have solved my problem !
    Thanks so much…

  143. Hello, your bag is lovely! I would love to try this bag out. Could you please email me the pattern? Thank you.

  144. I would so love a copy of this pattern for the silhouette cameo carrying bag. Thank you so much

  145. Hello, I would like to request the pattern for the Silhouette Cameo carrier, I really think it is the best one I have seen. Thank You,

  146. I’d love a copy of the pattern and would be happy to share pictures of the completed project!

  147. bonjour,
    Excuse moi pour mon Français, c’est terrible.
    Je veux demander le patron pour le house.
    Merci beaucoup

    • Don’t worry, my Dutch is non-existent!!
      Pattern sent, enjoy and don’t forget to send me a pic.

  148. Please send me a copy of the pattern for the cameo case.
    Thank you
    I will try to remember to send you a picture

    • I would love you to remember to send me a photo :-o
      I share for free but your pics are your thanks and my motivation…

  149. I would love to get the pattern for silhouette carrying bag…
    I will send you a photo when it is done
    TIA and best regards

  150. I would love the pattern. I like going to crap’s but I have nothing to put my Silhouette in, so I don’t take it.
    It would be nice to have something to carry my Silhouette in, thank you.

  151. Hey there, I am making this bag for my aunt, I have a problem with the zipper. You say you need a 90cm zipper, however when I measure the width and sides of the bag, it’s 95cm. I used the 0,8cm seam allowance you mentioned except for the cover part. Am I doing it wrong or does the zipper indeed start 2-2,5cm away from the side?

    • A 90cm zipper should be enough (sewn, mine is 88cm…) It has to be sewn from the edge, otherwise your bag will not open completely.
      I hope you didn’t add a 0.8cm seam allowance to the sides pieces (they are included in the pattern).
      Before sewing your zip does the silhouette fit well in the bag?

      • I have no idea what went wrong, but I printed the pattern again and re-cut all pieces and then they fit wonderfully! Here is a picture for you: My Aunt loves the bag and her craft group is going to make their own! ^^ Thank you for the pattern!
        (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  152. I saved a nice pair of jeans to repurpose on a bag for my silhouette. I´d like the pattern please, ty.

  153. I love the look of this bag, would love to have a go, can you send me a copy of the pattern please? Thanks so much x

  154. Hello,
    Can you send me the pattern for the cameo bag? I just bought it and love yours. As soon as I get it done (I’m not so fast with the sewing) I’ll send my pictures
    Thanks in advance

  155. Hello,
    It would be very kind of you, when you send me the pattern. It looks great! I’m a beginner with sewing and with working with the cameo, so I hope that I can realize this project.
    Merci beaucoup! :)

  156. Hallo
    Ich hätte gerne das sm für die Cameo Tasche
    Herzlichen Dank
    (hello, I would like the pattern for the Cameo Bag. Much Obliged)

  157. Hello,
    I have been searching for a carry on bag for my silhouette for quite some time now and stumbled across your pattern through pinterest… I would very much like to get a copy of your pattern please :-)
    Kind regards,

  158. I am so pleased I found your website, your book folds are amazing and then I found this. Please would you kindly send me the pattern as I would love to make this as your design looks amazing and is an ideal solution to cover my silhouette. Thank you for your time.

  159. HELLO! Can you sent me the pattern for the cameo-bag, please? As soon as i have finished i will sent you a photo of it. Thank you, Julia

  160. hej, it is a very Nice bag you have made and Will be so happy if you will send me the pattern
    Best regards

  161. This is exactly what I was searching for! I will definitely send you a picture if you’d be kind enough to send me the pattern. I am SO excited!!

  162. Fab idea and lovely bag. Please can you send me the pattern. I would like to say I will make it but I sure my lovely Mum will be doing most of the work ;). I will send you a pic of the finished product. Thank you

  163. Wow! This is one of the best carry bags I have seen for the Silhouette Cameo! I just received a Silhouette for Christmas and was looking to sew a dust cover. But seeing this I definitely want to sew your carry bag. Could you please send the pattern and I will send you back a photo of it when I make it? Merci!

  164. Can someone who has made one give me your email address… I am a total sewing novice and am looking for some help.

    • I share the pattern (already sent to you) and I can give help… ;-) (email adresses are not shown on my website).
      Tell me what is your problem in order to help you.

    • Modelo del cameo cubierta envió. No te olvides de enviarme una foto ;-)
      mis mejores deseos para este nuevo año 2015.

  165. I would love to have your pattern. I have been searching for a cover for my Silhouette cameo that is affordable and practical. Yours fits the bill and is beautiful too! I doubt mine will look as nice as I haven’t sewn in a while but who knows, I may just keep my sewing machine out after making this and get back into sewing now that I have grandchildren! I am glad I found your website and am now going to look around a bit. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your talent.

  166. Hey, I really like this carrying case. I have been looking all over for one and finally found one (yours) that I really like. Can you please send me the pattern?

  167. Hello
    I love your bag ! Can you send me the pattern, I will send you pictures when I made mine ;)

  168. Hi, I really like the bag you made! Just what I’m looking for, can you please send me the pattern?
    Thank you VERY MUCH!

  169. Hello,
    I send you some pictures. I did not make a carry bag, just a protection bag.
    Many thanks for the pattern!
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  170. I just received a cameo and am looking for a good bag…please send me your pattern to see if it is something I can do. Thanks.

  171. Hello! I saw your wonderful carry bag for the Silhouette Cameo! Please could you send me this pattern? Thank you very much.
    I will send you a photo of it when it’s completed!
    Much thanks in advance and Greetings Form Germany.

  172. Hi,… love your Cameo carry bag, please could you send me the Pattern.
    Thangs and greetings from Germany.

  173. just got my cameo for Christmas….. Bags cost over 75.00. I’d love to make this for myself to transport to classes etc. thank you for you generosity to share your pattern. I’ll send pictures when complete. Thank you!

  174. Hi,
    What a great blog you have! I would love to have the pattern. Could you please send it to me? Many thanks in advance!

  175. I love your tote for the cameo. Could you please send me the pattern. Thanks in advance.

  176. hi! Could I please receive the pattern! I will send you a picture when I finished it
    Greetings from the Netherlands

  177. Hello,
    I’ve just bought a cameo and I was searching for a bag but I don’t like the bags that are for sale.
    I would like to try making one.
    Is it possible to send me the pattern? I promise you to send you a picture of my bag (If I succeeded making one)
    Greetings from Belgium

  178. Hello,
    I like your pattern so much. It’s a great idea.
    Please could you send me this pattern?
    I will send you a photo of it when it’s completed!
    Much thanks in advance and Greetings Form Germany.

  179. Hi I love this bag, and have been looking for something to transport my cameo2 in.
    Could you please send me the pattern?
    Thanks in advance.

  180. I love this bag, and have been looking for something to transport my cameo in. Could you please send me the pattern?
    Thanks in advance.

  181. Hello,
    What a clever solution!
    I would love to make it for my Cameo (with help from my mom).
    May i receive the pattern by email please?
    Much thanks in advance.
    Greetings from Holland,

  182. I would love to get a copy of your pattern. I really like that your bag has a pocket for all the cords, so nice. Thanks in advance.

  183. Verwendet habe ich (von meiner Tante geerbten) Stoff und Reste von meinen alten Übergardinen (“bei uns verkummt nix”). So sieht das Kleid nun fertig aus. Aus Ermangelung an Gurtband, hab ich mir die Träger selber genäht. Hatte ja zum Glück noch ausreichend Stoff übrig.
    (I used (inherited from my aunt) fabric from my old curtains. So the bag seems now complete. Without strap, I sewed the fabric, fortunately I had enough.)
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  184. I would very much like to have a copy of the pattern! If I do it justice I would be willing to post the picture :)

  185. Please send me the pattern for your beautiful bag. I am going to convince my cousin to make it for me (perhaps for my birthday in January). I don’t sew, at least not well enough to make this bag.

  186. Hello,
    I will receive my Cameo (hopefully) tomorrow. Please, could you send the pattern to me?
    Thanks a lot!

  187. Hello…. great idea, I love it. I would love the pattern for this bag! Thank you so much :)
    Best wishes from Norway

  188. I would love to have the pattern for the Cameo! I will send a photo of it when it’s completed!
    Is the pattern a PDF?
    Thanks so much,

  189. Can you please send me the pattern of your beautiful carrying bag? I would like to make it for my mother for Christmas.
    Thank you very much!!

  190. I would love a copy of this pattern please. I promise I will send a pic! I have been looking and looking for something to fit!
    Thank you!

  191. Extra cette housse! Fan de couture et utilisatrice de la caméo, je suis très intéressée par ton patron! Pourrais-tu me l’envoyer stp?
    Promis je photographie le résultat…

  192. Can you please send me the real size pattern? I’ll send you a photo as soon as I finish sewing.

  193. Hi there! I saw your wonderful carry bag for the Silhouette Cameo! Would you please send me the real size printable pattern? Thank you very much! Best wishes,

  194. I love this bag, and have been looking for something to transport my cameo in. Could you please send me the pattern. Thank you!

  195. I LOVE this design!! Can you please send me the pattern? I promise to email a picture as soon as I finish the project. :)

    Thank you!

  196. Good Morning :)
    It’s a really great design !
    Please send me the pattern, too.
    Thanks and greetings

  197. Hi, …. would you please sent me your cameo pattern? It looks really great. Thank you so much.
    Best wishes from germany

  198. Good morning from germany! :-)
    Could you send me the pattern please?
    It´s so wunderful! :-)
    Thank you!

  199. Respect, it’s great !
    I would be very pleased if you could send me the pattern, because tommorrow I have a workshop for the cameo and so I could carrier it perfectly. I will send you a photo from the Bag when is finished.
    Thanks a lot. regards from germany,

  200. Hello,
    thank you for the tutorial.
    Please send me a copy of this genial cameo carrier pattern?
    Greetings from Germany

  201. Hi,
    I just found your great site and this tutorial. I would appreciate it, if you would be so kind to email me the pattern.
    Thank you very much in advance.

  202. Hallo Deine Tasche sieht so schön und Praktisch aus .
    Es wäre total Lieb wenn ich das Schnittmuster von Dir haben dürfte .
    Vielen Dank und Liebe Grüße
    (Hello your bag looks so beautiful and practical.
    It would totally love if I could have the pattern from you.
    Thanks and Greetings)

  203. Könnte ich das schnittmuster auch bekommen?
    Liebe Grùsse
    (Could I also get the patterns? love greeting)

  204. Hello,
    nice tutorial for the bag silhouette cameo. Can you send me this tutorial by mail.
    Thanks, best regards

  205. I really like your carrier! May I have the pattern?
    Via post? I am in USA. If too far, an email PDF? Thank you!

  206. Hello
    I’m searching a pattern for a bag for my CameoPlotter. Is it posible to get yours? Your Bag is awesome!
    With my best wishes

  207. Thank you for the tutorial.
    Please send me a copy of this genial cameo carrier pattern?
    Greetings from Germany

  208. Hello, thanks for sharing this great pattern, may I ask to have it too?? :-) Also from Germany :-)

  209. Hello,
    I like your pattern so much. It’s a great idea.
    Please could you send me this pattern?
    Thanks and Greetings Form Germany.

  210. Isn’t it amazing that the pattern goes all around the world.
    Please can you send it to me?
    Thanks and greetings from Germany

  211. I enjoyed to see your website. I’m interested in the carrying bag for the silhouette cameo.

  212. Hallo,
    I like your bag and wish to do it myself- but I´m a beginner :(
    I hope that this will works.
    Thank you ♥♥♥
    with greetings from Germany

  213. Here is my bag.
    It is not the best, because I do not so that much. And I have Never done a zipper in my life!
    Thank you so much for sharing the pattern
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  214. Thank you for the tutorial.
    Could you email me the Silhouette Cameo carrying case pattern? Thanks so much.

  215. Thank you so much for the tutorial. This was my first sewing project.
    It took me 3 days to do but I finally finished it. I love it!
    Nicole Nicole
    (Bigger pics in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

    • Amazing achievement for a first sewing project!! And you didn’t start with an easy one, congratulations!!
      Finishing touch for your Silhouette :
      – scan and print your fabric (see HERE),
      – cut your print with this file (mine has all the holes at the right place ;-) ).

  216. Hello,
    I like this bag very much. Please send me a copy of this pattern?
    I will sent you a photo when my project is finished.

  217. Hi :)
    I would love a printable copy of the pattern for the Cameo Silhouette Carrying Bag.
    Are you able to email it to me rather than post, as I am in Australia.
    Merci beaucoup :D

    • As it’s not my native language, my English can be… approximate. I always send the pattern by email! ;-)
      I wish I could travel as much as my pattern!!

  218. Love this carrying case. Could you please send me the pattern? I promise to send you a photo of the finished product. Thank you :D

  219. Can I please have a copy of the cameo carrier pattern? I love the pattern and can see the usefulness of having a cute personalized carrier.
    Many thanks!

  220. I love your cameo carrier. I would like very much to have your pattern.
    I have the rolling tote & it falls over when I have my laptop in it. Went for a class the other day & when I took it out of the car it fell over & I was scared I had damaged my laptop or the cameo.
    Plus this would be so much more attractive than the canvas covers they sell.

  221. Hallo,zou ik ook het patroon van de Silhouette Cameo draagtas van U mogen?
    Alvast Bedankt Met vriendelijke groet
    (Hi, I would also the pattern of the Silhouette Cameo Tote You can? Thanks in advance Sincerely)

  222. Hi,
    könnte ich bitte auch das Schnittmuster bekommen?
    Hezlichen Dank,
    (Hello, could I please also get the pattern? Thanks)

  223. Hello, very very nice. Is it possible to get the pattern? And I will send you a photo from the finished bag— sure!!
    Greats :O)
    sorry for my terrible english

  224. Hello!
    Could you be so kind an send me the real size printable pattern for the cameo carrying bag? That would be very nice! thanks

  225. Hello, I would be very pleased if you could send me the pattern of the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Bag.
    Thanks a lot Kind regards

  226. Hello!
    Your carrying case looks wonderful!! I would love a copy of your pattern for this!
    I am teaching a class using my silhouette and find it hard to carry around with me from place to place! I will post pictures of my bag once I get it made!
    Thank you so very much!

  227. I would love a copy of your pattern! It’s really awkward when you’re carrying all of your supplies and trying to carry your CAMEO in a canvas bag that is too small for it.
    I will definitely send you pics of my finished product!

  228. Hello,
    I have just seen your Cameo-cover and thought, that would be very nice for my Cameo :)
    May I kindly ask you for the pattern?
    I will send you a picture as soon as I finised my bag, but please be pationed. We are right now in the middle of moving into our new house. My machine’s are all at sleep right now …
    I am just using my time for preparing some bits and pieces to start sewing again quite quickly.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Best wishes,

  229. Hallo,
    könnte ich bitte auch das Schnittmuster bekommen?
    Hezlichen Dank,
    (Hello, could I please also get the pattern? Thanks)

  230. hi!
    I am an austrian girl.
    I would love to have the pattern too
    It is a realy nice idea.

  231. Hello,
    wow – what a great idea. I like it very much and would be glad for receiving the pattern. I will sent you a photo when my project is finished.
    Thank you to take the trouble to make this cayying bag and for sharing it.
    Best regards

  232. Hi, I’m new to your website (just signed up today), and would love to get the pattern for the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Case.
    The case is so cool and your pattern is very creative.
    Thanks a lot,

  233. What a beautiful bag!! I would be very pleased if you could send me the pattern. Thanks a lot!!
    Kind regards

  234. Your Cameo-cover looks sooooo great :-) !!!
    May I kindly ask you for the pattern?
    Many thanks in advance,

  235. Thank you for sharing your tutorial with us.
    Would you be so nice and send me the pattern, too?
    I have a new cameo and would like to sew a bag for it.
    Thank you in advance and best regards!

  236. Your bag for the Cameo is fantastic! Can you send me the pattern?
    I would love to send you a picture of my version =D. Thank you very much!

  237. Hallo,
    I looked for a bag for my Silhouette cameo and found your site. I´ll very happy if you would send me the pattern for your nice bag.
    After sewing , I´ll send you my bag.
    thanks a lot, yours

  238. Sind sie so nett und senden sie mir das Schnittmuster kostenlos zu?
    Cameo Silhouette carrying bag
    Liebe Grüße
    (If you are so kind and send to me free of charge the pattern? Greetings)

  239. Hi…
    what a beautiful bag…a great work.
    Can I have the pattern for my one, please?
    Thanks and best regards.

  240. Oh GREAT!
    Please, can you sende me the pattern for the Cameo-Bag too?
    My Cameo would also be happy to get such a very nice cover :-)
    Many thanks in advance :-)

    • Vielen Dank, dass Sie mich kontaktieren, um den Chef zu bekommen.
      Es bleibt Eigentum der Faitmain-Faitcoeur und dürfen nicht auf andere übertragen!
      (Deutsch automatische Übersetzung… :-? )

  241. Hi, I love your bag for your Cameo and I would love a copy of the pattern.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  242. Hi,
    Thanks a lot for the pattern. Enclosed please find my bag, which I just sewed.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Best regards
    (Bigger pics in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  243. Hello,
    May I have the real size printable pattern for the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Bag?
    I’ve seen your bag on the Forum and it’s really amazing! A lot of users want to sew this bag, me too! And I promise you, if it is finished, i will send you a picture!
    Thanks a lot!

  244. Hello,
    I beg you to send me the great pattern for the cameo!
    Surely, I will send you an photo of my design! But it will takes a while, perhaps 2 weeks.
    Many thanks in advance :-)

  245. Absolutely wonderful.
    I would be very happy if you could send me this pattern. I would sew it and send you a photo.
    My Cameo would also be happy to get such a nice cover :-)

  246. I saw your great carrying bag for the Silhouette…
    Would you please send me the pattern? That would be really great.
    Thank you very much :-)

  247. Thank you for sharing your tutorial with us. Would you be so nice and send me the pattern, too?
    I have a new cameo and would like to sew a bag for it.
    Thank you in advance and best regards!

  248. Hi!
    It looks so wonderful! Very Good Idea!
    I’d love to have the pattern!
    Thank you in advance!
    Best wishes

  249. Oh wow! The bag looks so beautiful! Today I have been looking for a pattern for a bag. And now I find it. So great! Thank you!
    I would be happy if you could send me the pattern. Thank you! :)

  250. Hi, I’m from Mexico and saw your cover for the cameo and I would like to make my own, could you share the pattern with me please!!!
    Thank you in advance

  251. It would be nice if you could mail me the printable pattern of your Cameo Silhouette carrying bag.
    This bag would be the perfect birthday present for my daugter it looks fantastic!!
    I bet it was some work to create this perfect pattern!!
    Thanks a lot

  252. This is great but I cannot use it because I have the little one the portrait. Do you have a pattern for this one???
    Lovely greetings xxx

    • I created it fitting to my Silhouette and I don’t have Portrait sizes, sorry.
      Someone asked me the pattern to modify it for the portrait but I haven’t heard from her since then…

  253. Hey Dear,
    Can you please send me the pattern for Silhouette Cameo carrying bag? This would be great! Thanks!
    But I don´t know when I will have time to sew. Asap I will send you a picture when it´s finished ;-)

  254. Wow! This bag is amazing! You are definitely talented!
    I’ve seen a lot of silhouette cover ideas out there but none of them come close to the level of creativity, functionality and detail you have put into this one! I love it!
    Also, I would love to be able to make one like this, if you are still sending out the pattern! It is amazing! I love your site! :)

  255. As promised attached are the photos from the bag.
    I made it for my sister and now thinking I should make one for myself. I used the double sided quilting fabric and serged the inside seams. I am quite happy with the fit. However, I have never made a gusseted pocket and that took a bit of studying the photos you referred us to. I think that is a lesson I will not easily forget. I sent a photo to my sister and she is quite pleased. I did have her pick out the fabric with online shopping because I didn’t want to spend the time making her something that she would not want to carry.
    Thank you for sharing your great pattern. It fits great.
    Patti Patti
    (Bigger pics in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  256. “Merci beaucoup” so very much for the pattern.
    I gave a presentation of the Silhouette Cameo and its software to my Card-making club last week…just in time for the gals to buy Cameos for our Mothers’ Day and made my tote for the occasion.
    I changed the pocket a bit because I ran out of fabric and, although it probably wasn’t necessary I added a heavy cardboard support to the bottom.. It just held up the ends of the tote a little better. I also found that I needed a bit more handle for the front than the back so that the tote remained level to the floor but I did then seam it on both sides to the bottom of the tote.
    Again, thank you so much for the pattern. I would have hauled it in there under one arm with all the cords dangling if I hadn’t had your pattern.

    Margret Margret Margret
    (Bigger pics in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

    • Lovely!!
      I think you needed more handle because you sewed the pocket on the back. That’s an idea I hadn’t thought about. ;-)

  257. Please send of the pattern for the carrying case. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
    Thank you!

  258. Hello!
    As I promised you I’ll send you two photos of my Silhouette bag.
    Best wishes and thank you for this nice pattern!
    Stefanie Stefanie
    (Bigger pics in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  259. Hello,
    I would love to sew a beautiful Silhouette Cameo bag. I like your pattern. Would you be so kind to send me your printable pattern?
    Of course you’ll get a photo from my new work!
    Happy Easter 2014!

  260. Does anyone have a pattern for this carry bag? I would like to make one as I am soon traveling from South Africa to Zurich and don’t have a proper bag.
    I would appreciate it if anyone can help me out.
    Thank you

  261. I would very much appreciate to receive the pattern.
    I promise a picture and a backlink in my blog as soon as I get around to sewing it. :-)

  262. Hi, I’m new to your website (just signed up today), and would love to get the pattern for the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Case.
    Does it comes through the mail and therefore you need my address, or do you send it as a download through my e-mail?
    Your pattern is very creative.
    Thanks a bunch,

  263. Hi, I would like to recieve the pattern, please.
    I like your dust cover very much.
    When I’m done with my version of your dust cover I will send you a picture.

  264. Oh wow! this is beautiful! May I have the pattern via email?
    I promise that if I make it I will send you back the pictures via email.

  265. Your projects are lovely and so nicely constructed. Please may I have a file for the pattern pieces for the Silhouette carrying case?
    Merci Beaucoup (about the extent of my French).

  266. You are brilliant!
    Would it be possible to send me a copy of the pattern and instructions?
    Thank you so much!

  267. Thank you for sharing your talent…what a great idea.
    I would love a copy of your pattern

  268. Hi, I love your bag for your Cameo and I would love a copy of the pattern. I think I have all the supplies to make one,in my stash.
    Thank you so much for sharing and I will do my best to send you a pic of the finished one.
    I have been keeping the cameo in its box but that is bulky to carry around.

  269. Hello from Denmark. :)
    Super nice bag. It is possible to get the pattern?
    I would really like to make one for my cameo :)
    With best regards

  270. I would LOVE to have the pattern for the Cameo cover!
    It looks fab and can’t wait to try my hand at making one.
    It has been so long since I sewed, this may get me back to sewing a little.

  271. This looks like a perfect way to carry my Cameo.
    I would love to have the pattern and appreciate if you could email it to me.
    Thanking you in advance,

  272. Will you still email me the pattern for the Cameo cover??
    This is the best one I have seen! I made one that was just like a dust cover but yours is exceptional!
    Please let me know if it is possible… I promise to send you a picture!
    Many thanks!!

  273. Your cameo bag looks great! I could see myself using this when I take my cameo to my friend’s houses.
    Can you please send me the pattern? TIA

  274. You have done a great job with the silhouette cameo cover. It appears to fit as a second skin!
    If you would be so kind, I would like a copy of the pattern. I hope to make this when at a sewing retreat in late February.
    If I can figure out how to send you a picture from my iPad, I will do so.
    Thank you for offering the pattern.

  275. Please e-mail me the pattern you have developed for this tote bag for the Cameo.
    I will be happy to follow with a picture of my completed project.

  276. I love your bag. I want to make one for my cameo.
    Can you please email me the pattern and instructions?
    Thank you.

  277. Hello,
    May I have the real size printable pattern for the Silhouette Cameo Carrying Bag?
    I saw your bag on Silhouette Plus Forum. I am new to the Cameo and also new to using a forum.
    Thank you so much.

  278. Hi
    I love the idea that you have come up with for the cameo cover.
    I have a tote trolly bag, but this would be great to take to friends place.
    I would love the pattern to make it.

  279. Please send pattern for Silhouette carrying bag.
    I already have a dust cover, but would love to make a carrying case.
    Thank you.

  280. This is lovely and just what I have been searching for!
    Please send me the real size tutorial so that I may make one for myself.
    Thank you for sharing your work! :D

  281. Thank you so much for making a pattern for this!
    I have been searching for something like this.
    Can you please e-mail me the pattern? I would love to make it to protect my new Cameo.

  282. Hi! I’ve been looking for a tote for my cameo. Can you please email me the pattern?
    Thanks in advance! Will send pics :)

  283. I Like the cameo case very much. Please could you send me the patern? I wil send you a picture when it is finished, I promise.
    I like your site nice to see what you are making.
    Have a happy new year.

  284. Just found your site with a bag for the cameo plotter, could you please send me the pattern, will send you a photo in return, I promiss ;-)
    (from the Netherlands)

  285. You Cameo case is wonderful!!
    I just received a Cameo for Christmas and will attend classes to learn to use it. A carry case will be very useful and I would really appreciate receiving the pattern if you could email it to me.
    Thank you very much — you have made a beautiful case and once I finish mine, I will send photos to you.
    I wish you a Happy New Year!!!

  286. What a great idea!
    If possible, I would also like the pattern. I’ll also promise to make a picture!

  287. Salutations du Pérou !
    Bonjour, je vous écris du Pérou. Je ne parle pas français. J’ai traduit ce poste dans le traducteur de Google !
    Désolé pour les fautes !
    S’il vous plaît pourriez-vous m’envoyer le modèle “Cameo Silhouette carrying bag”
    Un gros câlin!

  288. Attached is a photo of the finished carrier
    I used 100% cotton batting, so it is not as firm looking as it could be, but my daughter was delighted with it.
    Many thanks for your generous sharing of the pattern.
    It’s now after 9pm on the 25th but I guess I’m still in time to wish you a happy and joyous Christmas Day.
    (Bigger pic in the “your cameo bags” photos album)

  289. Bonjour!!
    Thank you so much for this awesome pattern to my Cameo, I just received it about a month ago, and if you would be so kind to mail or email the pattern to me I promise I will send you a pic, I don’t sew that well but I will give it a try!! You bag for the Cameo is beautiful!!
    Thank you again!!
    In Denver,Colorado

  290. Hi,
    Just ordered my Cameo today, and can’t wait! I stumbled across your website and this is perfect!
    I’m hoping you can send me the pattern as well.

    • Hi,
      Finally getting around to messaging, but just wanted to follow up on my request for the Cameo sewing pattern.
      If you sent it, and I somehow missed it, my apologies…hopefully you won’t mind sending again! :)

  291. Very Creative, would love to make one. It is very generous of you to offer a free pattern. thank you

  292. I love your bag. You did an incredible job.
    Would you mind sending me the pattern? I’d greatly appreciate it.

  293. Hi there, This looks awesome!!!
    I just got my Cameo a few days ago, and would love a bag like this.
    Could you send me the pattern?

  294. You are so talented!
    May I please have a copy of the pattern for the Cameo bag? I would love to make this as a gift for one of my scrapbook friends.
    Thank you!

  295. I love this bag and would love to make one for myself and two more for my friends.
    Would you kindly send me the pattern for this bag? Thank you!!!

  296. Hi there, this is really nice and whilst I don’t intend to move my cameo around in the near future, further on down the track I will.
    I would love to have a copy of the pattern and have a go at making this if you would be so kind to share.

  297. I love your Cameo bag.
    I just got my Cameo and would love to make this bag.
    Could you please send me the pattern?
    Thank you very much!

  298. Can’t wait to make this for my silhouette!
    Will you please e-mail the pattern to me.
    Thanks for sharing!

  299. I would love a copy of your carrier pattern!
    I just got my Silhouette Cameo a week ago, and have been playing with it a lot to figure it out!
    Your bag looks great- appreciate you sharing!– Thank you

  300. I would love the pattern as well.
    I have a Zing but it looks like I can modify it,
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  301. I like this idea. What a genuinely fine piece of work
    Would love the pattern however I am in Australia..

  302. Hi
    I’ve just got a cameo and would love to try and make the carry case for it, it looks lovely so please can I have the pattern for it
    Thanks you x

  303. I love the Silhouette Cameo carrier and would love to have the pattern. Can you email or will you have to mail the pattern ?
    I will be glad to pay for postage if it has to be mailed. I love it and need it. Excellent work and website !!
    Thank you,

    • No need to mail it, I had created a real-sized printable pattern.
      I email you the file.
      Don’t forget to send me a picture of your carrying bag !

      • Thank you so much for the pattern!
        Now I am on a mission to find some colorful quilted fabric………or perhaps I will quilt some from my stash.
        I can’t wait to see the finished product and will share a photo when it is complete.
        Thank you again!

  304. I would be so thankful, if you could send me the full size pattern for this wonderful cover you have created!
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  305. I’d love to have a copy of your pattern so I can get it made while I wait for my Cameo to arrive.
    Thanks so very much.

  306. This is a fabulous project. I am sure that a great many Cameo users would find this cover so useful.
    May I also have the pattern too, please & thank you for taking the time & trouble to share the pattern & provide a tutorial as well.

  307. Thank you for this page – please send me the pattern for the silhouette carrier.
    Thank you so much…

  308. This is wonderful.
    I’ve been trying to find a bag for my Cameo (that isn’t pink) and this is perfect. Thank you so much.
    Please send me the pattern.

  309. Could I please have a copy of the real size printable pattern for the silhouette cameo case?
    This is very nice!

  310. This is a beautiful bag. And very useful for anyone with a cameo.
    I would love to have the printed pattern…
    Thank You so much.

  311. Good Morning.
    What a lovely carry bag!!
    It looks wonderful and so practical.
    Great pattern, would love a copy to sew for my cameo :-)
    Have a wonderful day.

  312. I love this pattern !
    I have been looking everywhere for a pattern for my Cameo.
    Thank you so much for making this available.
    I would love a copy of the pattern.

  313. Sure would like the pattern.
    I made a dust cover, but do occasionally transport my Cameo and would love to have the bag !

  314. This is great ! Thank you so much for sharing. I would love to be able to make a carrying bag.

  315. What a fantastic job you did on designing and making this carrier.
    I would definitely like the pattern
    Hugs and Thanks !

  316. Thank you so much – merci beaucoup – for your tutorial and for such a beautiful pattern !
    I would love to have a copy of it if you are sharing it !

  317. I really like the tote, beautiful way to transport our beloved cutting machines ! I would love the pattern as well.
    Thank you !

  318. wow that is lovely. I have had to transport mine and thought I should buy a tote, but I’m just to cheep.
    This is great I would love to have the pattern and then I can make a uniquely me carrying bag.

  319. Thank you so much. I have all the materials and kept postponing making it in the hopes of a tutorial like this.
    Mine is a Portrait, but your configuration is the one that I want. I might adapted to fit the smaller machine.
    If I’m able to make something worth looking at I’ll post it.
    Is very thoughtful and kind of you to share your tutorial. I would much appreciate if you send me the pattern.
    Take care.

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